
The Nameless

Whether or not his parents forgot to name him or if it’s just an unimaginative pseudonym – he has no name. Some say this will come in handy when the long, teetotal arm of the law finally grasps his collar and yanks him into the dock. We don’t know if this is true but this machine has a liver of leather and the last remains of a twinkle in his eye. Also known as The Protagonist and The Late Night Push.

The Other

Rumour has it that The Other came into existence via a failed secondary school experiment. We cannot be sure of this, although it may explain his appetite for the most profound libations and most despicable food stuffs known to mankind. The Other is principally responsible for beginning many of the adventures documented in Whisky Gonzo, he is the accelerator, the lighter fluid to The Nameless’s charcoal and Champagne is his spark.

Bitch Boy

The facilitator and the fixer, he is both maddening and charming in equal measure thanks to a curse of ineffable happiness. This is a boy who knows no pain or sadness. Bitch Boy lives to serve Whisky Gonzo.

The Gringo

In yonder years he practiced mystical martial arts, now he has succumbed to the extravagance and hedonism of the amber nectar. He is very much in denial about the depths to which he has fallen despite the increasingly alarming quantities that he will imbibe. He considers himself a fly-on-the-wall, but the fly has fallen into the tumbler.